Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments No matter what career one has or what industry...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 , a sword hidden in the belly." He stifled criticism and suggestions. One time, he threatened the...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 the top importer of Chinese goods in all but one year.In an extreme thought experiment, about 15...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 campaign against Falun Gong has always been highly political, and if it were to one day be no longer in...

Taiwan Says With Chinese Warships, Aircraft Carrier Represents a Growing Threat

17-01-01 China’s aircraft carrier fleet appears in offshore areas of the US one day, it will trigger intense...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 man right from his youth. Xu Da was one of the founders of the Ming Dynasty and the general-in-command...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (1 of 2)

16-12-31 contrary, his requirements for his relatives were more strict than for other people. One time, his distant...

法拉盛又一停车场关闭,哪里停车便宜? 最全停车场整理

16-12-29 位于41大道上的法拉盛市立第三停车场于12月27日起永久关闭,此处将兴建“法拉盛第一号”(Flushing One) 综合平价房屋。27日中午,所有的车辆已从停车场开走,原来十分拥挤的停车场变得...

《星战》莉亚公主辞世次日 影星妈妈中风去世

16-12-29 : Debbie Reynolds attends the "One for the Money" premiere at the AMC Loews Lincoln Square on...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 lowly person. One needs to still maintain proper manners when one is poor, and one needs to still...

China Clamps Down on ‘Barbaric’ Insurance Sector

16-12-27 of the crack down is intriguing. For one, Beijing has been attempting to restrict the outflow of cash...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 candidate Han Mengzhou was originally very poor. One night as he diligently read in a hut, Zheng Banqiao saw...

温馨提示:12/ 27起法拉盛第三市立停车场永久关闭

16-12-21 与发展局(The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)改建为商住两用、拥有老人住户及平价屋的综合楼「法拉盛一号」(One...

Benevolence and Virtue Can Change People

16-12-17 time in office, the people of Zhongmou were honest and lived peacefully. On one occasion, someone...

德系操控,谁与争锋?2017款Subaru Forester

16-12-17 vehicle, at your computer, or on your iOS or Android mobile device, STARLINK Safety and Security helps...


16-12-15 本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie This Week:《星际大战外传:侠盗一号》(Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)这是一部由美国卢卡斯电影有限公司、华特•迪士尼影片...


16-12-12 Preservation and Development (HPD) 计划发展的法拉盛41 大道市立第3 停车场(Flushing Municipal Lot 3) 综合平价房屋「法拉盛第一号」(One Flushing...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (2 of 2)

16-12-12 around with his hands. One day, he found a bag on the road, and it contained two hundred gold pieces...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 harvesting of organs from practitioners of the spiritual discipline Falun Gong and others is “one of the...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 and suffering brought by flooding. At one time, a part of the Great Wall in the area of Gubeikou...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 9)

16-12-12 necessary for sustaining society. If one adopts inappropriate means to satisfy oneself, that is adulterous....


16-12-06 车票,并使用苹果和Android的付费功能。在2013年推出时,该应用程序先在较小的铁路线上测试,受到广泛的欢迎之后被推广到更大的系统范围。目前,NJ Transit乘客可以在手机上购买11种类型的铁路...

健康达人亲自做美食  dadam 韩餐: 独一无二新滋味 全天然食材 滋补有秘方

16-12-06 Ms. Park, there is nary a wrinkle of her face. One can hardly tell she’s 66 years old! She attributes...

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS 绝对的王者睥睨

16-12-06 one for slick surfaces.Easy to enter, even nicer to stayLarge side doors and innovative EASY-ENTRY...

Encourage People to be Kindhearted And to Reject Immoral Customs (1 of 2)

16-12-04 was Secretary of the Ministry of Rites and Education and was one of the chief editors in charge of...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 persuade you to do an abortion,” one family planning official told an undercover investigator posing as...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 8)

16-12-04 the ordinary people. As an ordinary citizen, one should not fear reproach. It is not uncommon that...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (1 of 3)

16-12-04 ;s hearts through leniency. To rule a nation one needs to be tolerant." At the age of 16...


16-12-02 国际事务的“公民实验室”(Citizen Lab)发表题为“一App两制:微信在中国与境外采用不同审查机制”(One App, Two Systems: How WeChat uses one...

资安人员:Android漏洞 百万Google帐号遭骇

16-12-01 资安研究人员今天指出,用以攻击Android智慧型手机的恶意软体已经侵骇逾100万谷歌(Google)用户帐号。法新社报导,网路安全公司Check Point...

掌握9个网上购物技巧 轻松节省数百美元

16-11-29 。#7 eBay(iOS,Android)很多时候,你可以在eBay上获得比零售商更好的交易——即使在黑色星期五或网络星期一。许多零售商使用它来快速摆脱库存,所以这是一个能够获得惊人折扣的好地方。#8 网络安全程序...

Song Jinggong’s Compassion Thwarts Disaster

16-11-29 ; was a unit to measure the distance between stars at that time.]. Seven stars could exist in one "...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 7)

16-11-28 not sages. How can we demand that everything be done perfectly? If someone makes a mistake, no one...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 the determination, will classify China as a market economy. It is not on the path to becoming one...


16-11-23 的别样美食。   时间:每周六、周日,10am~6pm。   地点:Skylight One Hanson。   地址:1 Hanson Place (at Ashland Place...

激进设定的轿跑 2017 Mercedes Benz C300     2017 Mercedes Benz C300

16-11-21 ahead. And the one behind the wheel.Standard COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS uses radar to continually...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

16-11-20 impossible feat, so long as one has a righteous heart and virtuous behavior.李珏卖粮 升斗交给买主自量 终得仙位生意人大都把利益放在第一位...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 his citizens that anyone who brought one bucket of grain back would be rewarded with 30% of their...

The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity

16-11-20 The Virtue of Forgiveness and Generosity As a proverb goes: "No one is perfect. Everyone makes...

纯粹越野情怀 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited              

16-11-14 Unlimited is one powerful freedom machine. Its Trail Rated® status, Command-Trac® and Rock-Trac® 4x4 Systems...